Sunday 30 April 2017

Monday recovery

Sublime Saturday

Am in the best city in the world on a spectacular afternoon of autumnal splendour. Sydney shines and shows off its amazing beauty on a day like today, especially when one is not working!

The morning was at the last Rossini rehearsal before the Opera House next week. Ascham showed itself to be worthy of its moniker as the most perfectly situated private girls school in Sydney, apart from Rose Bay Convent, that is. But Ascham at Edgecliff is so close to the action, and R.B. is just that little bit farther away and keeps those country boarding girls proper I suppose
Am catching a Danish Movie at the Verona
...looking out onto leafy Oxford Street
...while also ready this fatal tragedy by Robert Hughs, (dec'd )

Friday 21 April 2017

Saturday scene

This woman is trying so hard to do the right thing but she  is in a man's world in NSW poliitics...poor thing!

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Local farce

This is the Aussie PM, a Trump-like figure but with no power...
Turnbull showing how much a wimp he really is...
Local politics is no better with this hypocritical Administrator 
This is the local news of the unfortunate events that make it - a twenty year old exposing his drunken self on Trafalgar Avenue!

Sunday 16 April 2017

Easter Monday

Back at Ruby's for Easter Monday
A cake today to celebrate....
RIO, as corrupt a multi national as you can get....
Turkey with its dictator Erdogan...
This could make more problems for the disadvantaged people...
Korea is a hot-spot for a nuclear stand-off with the US
Typical of NSW government inefficiency...
Trump's tweets silent with good advice...
I even managed a visit to beautiful Terrigal over Easter, the beach was very full and the water warm - bliss!

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Easter plans

Today I am starting Easter early with a trip to Sydney and perhaps a movie at the Dendy Quay cinema. However there are problems with parking at Woy Woy station at 7.30 am as there are absolutely no parking spots left. It shows how many comuters go every day to work in the the city. Gosford's parking  I hear is even worse and now with three towers passed through the council Gosford is set to raise its head but it will be in a very ugly fashion I fear.
Ruby's always stays the same, always civlised and yesterday was quiet.
The poor classes will always be dispossessed in the face of progress....
The mystery of China's intentions....
Tillerson at least has a good Aussie advisor in the Kremlin, Waller.
What Clover should do, and doesn't ...more's the pity.
Gosford 'landmark' replaced by three modern atrocities. Again such is the price of progress.

At George Gregan's cafe in Pitt Street for lunch.

Monday 10 April 2017

Sudden death

The untimely death at Mt Abrupt of famed and much-loved comedialn from across the ditch, John Clarke, is in all the newspapers. No-one thought he would die, but also on the mountain slopes of the Grampians.
Mourned by two nations...
He was Fred Dagg, the Ocker before he arrived in OZ.
The Masters goes to a Master, finally for Sergio Garcia.
No more sexist dressing for this primary school....
Christian Egypt again rocked by Isis attacks...
Will Russia listen to Trump? I doubt it.
This Reject failure says a lot about modern shopping practices....
Tribe shows how today's shopping is done...on the Net!

Sunday 9 April 2017

Chily Monday

Well today reminds me of a typical day in Wellington NZ, a chill wind blows and you certainly need a jacket. But it will probably last only a day, that's the sort of weather in OZ. I can cope with that.
Lots to prepare for after a busy weekend in Sydney and a few emails to write. Hope this blog gets published as I've been having some  problems with the i-Pad..

Ruby's on a chilly morning

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Election Saturday

Woy Woy will come alive on the weekend with a special by-election in the Gosford Peninsula electorate.

Local sports personality will easily win - they love their sport on the Coast
This local letter says it all about corruption in Gosford Council
Is this the future? Social media reigns supreme, I think so.