Wednesday 12 April 2017

Easter plans

Today I am starting Easter early with a trip to Sydney and perhaps a movie at the Dendy Quay cinema. However there are problems with parking at Woy Woy station at 7.30 am as there are absolutely no parking spots left. It shows how many comuters go every day to work in the the city. Gosford's parking  I hear is even worse and now with three towers passed through the council Gosford is set to raise its head but it will be in a very ugly fashion I fear.
Ruby's always stays the same, always civlised and yesterday was quiet.
The poor classes will always be dispossessed in the face of progress....
The mystery of China's intentions....
Tillerson at least has a good Aussie advisor in the Kremlin, Waller.
What Clover should do, and doesn't ...more's the pity.
Gosford 'landmark' replaced by three modern atrocities. Again such is the price of progress.

At George Gregan's cafe in Pitt Street for lunch.

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