Sunday 2 April 2017

Hearing decision Monday

Today is the day I give up my vanity. I am having a hearing test which I know will result in the the advice of wearing a 'hearing aid'. My mother wore one but .she was already in her eighties or nineties and what am I? Not even 72! It is a test of my lack of vanity and I accept it.
Serious flood water problems up North....
This is how Sydney restaurants come and go, it is a tricky trade and the the public change their minds all the time.
This is the former advisor to PM  Abbott and is now a columnist and shows she certainly does have a lot of good sense and capability. Perhaps she should run for PM instead? Easier adoption is a no-brainer.
The great gardener Peter Cundall turned ninety! He eats a lot of home grown veggies.
How youth suicide is becoming more than serious, even perhaps endemic.
The beauty that is Sydney Harbour.

Well the hearing result was good, or bad depending. I have to be serious about it as my hearing is somewhat defective. Good news is that at the office the young Bosnian/Melbourne receptionist wants to learn French so now I will look for another student and then hopefully begin home classes which will be a big step ahead for me. Things are consolidating finally for me here in Woy Woy.

Yes I need help and I will get the Hearing Aids in two weeks and then will wear them if they feel useful. Hopefully they will do me some good, which they should. But the really good news is I met the receptionist Brigitte and she will be my first French student in Woy Woy.

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