Sunday 29 September 2013

Mission Bay with Paella!

Saturday to spend in Auckland...

A leisurely lunch at a smart Spanish cafe on the main strip along Mission Beach, a bit likeRose bay in Sydney. The paella we order is a bit ordinary but the Calamari are fabulous, best ever. I see a cinema close by and check out the sessions. 'Candelabra' is on so it's worth a look we decide. A choc-top to satisfy our collective sweet tooth and then the movie. Not an Academy award movie but top performances from the two main stars, Michael Douglas and Matt Damon. What a hive of hypocrisy was Hollywood in the seventies, but probably still is.
A nice drive back to Onehunga through the smart suburbs of Auckland and then a quiet night at home.Flight home to Wellington Sunday at 5 am. It's been a good weekend and P and P were marvellous Hosts.  

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