Saturday 14 September 2013

Turkish Disappointment

With an hour to spend before Glamaphones rehearsal, our last one as well before our big concert on Sunday, I am grabbing a bite in a so-called Turkish cafe on Lambton Quay. Although Wellington has a large proportion of Turkish restaurants, this one is a disaster and shouldn't have been allowed here. The comparison with good Kiwi food is odious, and I certainly will never come by here again. Which proves there  are always exceptions to every rule.

The horrible weather is over and we may start to enjoy, I hope, some spring type weather. It is 30 degrees in Sydney at present and flatmate A will need all her summer clothes to survive her ten days with her sister. She left this morning to allow a free entry for American F who arrives in the morning with another chapter beginning.

 The recent gale force winds have been the strongest I have ever experienced, and also the strongest Wellington has had for many decades. I was  forced to abandon my scooter en route to my home one night and battled the last few hundred metres against a raging storm. The next day I retrieved the scooter, still parked next to a camper van, thank God, where I hid it away from the wind until the weather softened up. It was at least two days before I could venture out again on the scooter. I now have some idea of the hurricanes in the US.

Pics of awful Turkish cafe!

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