Thursday 13 February 2014

First week at work

We are having marvellous summer weather and I am entranced by my daily ride to town on Oriental Parade, see pics.

Also for these three coming weeks I am a worker at my drop-in centre Body Positive. I am assisting L while the boss is on holiday. Our brief is to make a big success of the AIDS Candle light Memorial Ceremony this year. Last year it appears very few came and it was disappointing for all. So with some good efforts by us this year it will be attended by all the right people in Wellington. It is conspicuously taking place at Te Papa in the Marae, probably the most sacred spot in the city. The two weeks to come will be very important to lay the foundations to make a great success of this important day on May 18. 

It is a celebration of survival, and a memorial for those who have passed on who helped prepare the way for the present. It should be a moving and spiritual occasion for all who attend. The last one I attended was in Melbourne when Justice Michael Kirby gave the keynote speech where many were moved to tears. We should try to emulate that occasion.
My balcony in the sun

Sea gulls on the take

Quelle vue!

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