Friday 21 February 2014

Saturday Night in Wellington

In the Embassy foyer, retro chic a la Sir Peter Jackson, I arrive early to see a much awaited Coen Brothers' movie 'Inside Llewyn Davis'. Again the Coen brothers do not disappoint. It is a great Groundhog Day type-story, of a week in the life of an aspiring folk singer in New York who appears a total loser, played out in the faithfully reproduced early sixties. 

The movie is stolen, for me, by a marmalade cat called Ulysses, who drifts winningly in and out of the plotline, which is really non-existent. Llewyn is based on the real-life memoirs of a Greewich Village hipster/folk singer who just preceded the arrival of Bob Dylan on the New York scene. It also pokes  wry fun at the 'folk scene' which, for anyone who lived through it, is much fun. Has some great moments, four stars! 

This is the shiny black interior restored authentically when Peter Jackson revamped the cinema for the   World Premiere of 'Lord of the Rings' a couple of years ago.
I then decided to catch a festival entry of Israeli Dance Company extraordinaire called Batsheva, it was absolutely amazing, playing at the wonderful original St James theatre. The local social conscience provided a guard of honour for arrivals in demonstrating against Israel's treatment of the Palestinians.
The Batsheva Dance Company from Israel

And the demonstration it caused against Israel,

Inside the beautiful St James Theatre.

...and for Israel, on Courtenay Place

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