Friday 21 February 2014

Fog closes airport

How can you not love a city which has a mist which becomes a fog descending all over the city and manages to close for forty-eight hours its international airport without so much as a murmur?
Well that was Wellington in the last few days, and after my rhapsodising over the mist, I had to accept that it was more than that (but I still enjoyed it!)

The Wellington Arts Festival has arrived and there is a super-abundance of choices of the most excellent kind to choose from, so many, that frankly, I may stay at home. Just joking. Me? stay at home?  This morning I went for my first visit to the gracious and wonderful grounds of Government House, in New Town, right next to my Scottish Dancing venue. They had told me the annual Scottish Pipe Band Competition was happening and it was worth a visit. It certainly was, see pics. Watching the precision of beautifully attired men and women, boys and girls, skilled with their instruments and marching spectacularly, all done with the background of the rather gothic structure of Govt. House was quite memorable in spite of the threatening weather. It was nothing for them of course.

On to Te Aro for a light lunch at the Aro Cafe with the sparky terrier seen in picture. Am now deciding if I go to see a film, and then theatre tonight, or is it too much? Last night in Cuba Street I discovered the absolute delights of the Friday-night Market, which was a revelation and one which I will frequent in the future. It was a piece of Asia mixed with New Orleans, and topped with Kiwi niceness. Quite a wonderful experience and later, after buying a secondhand book, Melvyn Bragg's famous biography of that great roué and thespian, Richard Burton (more later ), I had a hot chocolate at the fabulous French style Floriditas where I will certainly return for a meal one night. It was packed with appreciative customers and the smell of good food was more than enticing. For sure I will be back!

Musing over the Arts in Wellington Festival...

The wondrous Govt House with Pipe Bands...

More marching boys....

..the patient wire-haired Terrier at Te Aro

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