Friday 28 February 2014

Weird experience?

Today was a strange one and there were a couple of reasons...

First at BP we had an unusual theft, a fifty dollar note disappeared from a perspex donation box which was locked with a chain, virtually impregnable, and still it was lifted. There was a suspect who had been before in trouble for honesty, or the lack thereof, and he was the only person in the office at the time of the theft, so circumstances pointed obviously to him and there were a few minutes during the afternoon when he was alone in the office. But what can you do, no concrete evidence. But L. and I knew it was him and we wondered how he would present the following day, that is if he did come. But as he had an appointment with the finance advisor interestingly, he did appear, but in a state of visible angst and even anger. He also was carrying a very sharp saw to cut something up L had asked him to do. He had a sad story of being victimised at his home and so he had decided to leave as he couldn't tolerate the unwarranted criticism anymore. A woman neighbour had complained about his activities, whatever they were, we weren't told. 

Anyway his very weird behaviour gave evidence of something else seriously going wrong, which we both felt was surely the result of a guilty conscience. On discussion with the newly returned boss we saw there was nothing to do, he was already suffering from the misdeed. But the mystery remained, how did he on earth get the banknote out of the the money box? A Houdini act if ever I saw one!

Housemate A on Oriental Parade - she loves walking it!

The next strange event was my visit to an acupuncturist, recommended by a friend who said he was marvellous. My back had suddenly given up when this morning I twisted it somehow on getting out of bed, obviously the result of something bigger than that, but I know my back well, and it needed attention, and fast. So I accepted the recommendation and made an appointment that very afternoon, today in fact, at Kilbirnie close to where I had to go anyway. 

It was NOT a good idea. Joe Gin, was his name, in a tiny office sub-let from a computer cartridge business. It was also quite dirty with a couple of the necessary body skeletons on the wall and certificates of some qualification. He began by tying me to his rather grimy table and proceeded to twist my body to one side, then the other, more and more, he encouraged.  I  discovered later it was his form of chiropractoring  where he didn't have to use his own strength to manipulate.

However I did not want manipulation, I wanted acupuncture, but what can you say? He finally  gave me a couple of needles, one in my very sore back and one on my ankle, which he later laughingly forgot to extract.  Quickly I gave him sixty dollars which was what my friend had quoted, but he said it was not enough because of the manipulation. Then he said I could pay more on the next visit, which I am afraid will not happen as my  back has felt no different at all since the treatment. I suppose it's just more experience, I will have to try another one before I get the right person. 

At my evening HU song, D and V told me of their man, another Chinese doctor called XU, so I feel I will try to see him as soon as possible, and just forget I went to see today's one. It was indeed a very forgettable experience.

So there were two Wellington weird events in two days, so it is not all a bed of roses here, but then, where is?

Shimmering waters from my balcony...

With Maori Chieftains guarding my home.

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