Tuesday 18 February 2014

Mist over the Bay

The ever-changing weather patterns over Cook Straits result in some beautiful opportunities for the keen and sometimes foolhardy sailors to take their sails and try them against the unpredictable winds.
This week has seen the most wonderful benign days, with long twilights diminishing into soft and sensuous nights. This is an easy city to fall in love with in all its eccentricities.

I never cease to be amazed at the resilience and smiling grittiness of its inhabitants. Jogging, no, more like running, constantly in the face of awful gales, rain lashing at lycra besuited athletes of all ages. As they do come in all sorts, bred in this often very inhospitable climate, they are born to overcome all its elements.

I admire them, but never ever, aspire to be one of them, as I never could.
The lone sailor...
...the stuff of poetry.

..still there

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