Sunday 16 June 2013

Hall Street Newtown

One night and one day later. Met at W airport by my new hostess Emma. Promptly  and efficiently I was picked up and taken to a lovely brick home in inner city Wellington. She is a charming kiwi, originally from Christchurch, country stock and very well travelled, having lived at length in China and Japan, speaks fluent French. My room is delightful, faces North and bed is large and comfy. My nine nights here should be fine. She is also an excellent cook and has just baked a lovely banana cake which she shared with her other lodger,Gemma, from Canberra, and me.
 I pop out for a quick meal at an Indian restaurant in the area, there are many, and have a Chicken Tandoori, quite Ok but not cheap.
The area has many restaurants so eating won't be a problem, and I may even cook once while I am here as the kitchen is great. I go to bed early and have a good ten hours sleep which I need.
Awake on Sunday at nine thirty and read a text from Viva....ECK meeting today at noon and another at one thirty, so I am already in action in Wellington.

The day went well and met Floss and David and Viva in Flashdog studios which houses the ECK centre here. The plans for the Seminar are well under way, and I rashly offer my services to sing at the Seminar..I have long thought about doing something at a Seminar so I may as well start now.

I make some plans for the rest of the week. The Eckists have already booked me for a  birthday dinner  on Wednesday night. And then there is the Tango fest which is on for a week, I'll have to take part in that  at least  one evening or daytime class. It is an enormously big event here and attracts people from all over Australia. My week is already gone as there is also one evening doing Scottish Country Dance, as there are twelve venues in and around Wellington! 

My life in Wellington could be just as busy, if not more, than in Hobart. Tomorrow to the city and check out some places, perhaps make phone calls to prospective people to share with. Hope the weather improves but so be it, if that's how it is.

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