Wednesday 26 June 2013

Last stop Sydney

Am sitting in my favourite Sydney cafe, City Extra, with superb views of the  Bridge and directly opposite the Manly Ferry,  anchored about ten metres in front of me. And Sydney is finally, after a week's solid downpour, showing its finery with the sun streaming down in a still somewhat cloudy sky.
An excellent flatwhite coffee arrives, and the morning is perfect. Have arranged to have lunch in Paddington with old friend Patsy and two of her friends, at one o'clock. Just time for a must-visit Circular Quay moment.Tonight at Woy Woy Bay with good friends and tomorrow return to Hobart, for the packing! Two days at Matraville of rain, visiting bro, no changes there!, but saw a great movie yesterday, after a delicious Thai lunch in Chinatown with old friend Hedimo, (in pic).

The movie was 'Satellite Boy', anIndigenous movie, beautifully filmed in the Kimberley, about two young boys trying to save their land, their 'country', from the multinational mining concerns pillaging the west of Australia. It was a film all Aussies should see, especially white ones! And it had a sort-of happy ending.

Sitting at Circular Quay in the sun is a great way to say 'see you later' to this great, buzzy city, filled with all nationalities claiming it theirs. People are lucky to live here, that is, if they like big cities, and ones getting even bigger every day.  

Now on Central Coast train to meet Malcolm for my last night at Woy Woy Bay.
Lunch was a cheapie at the Unicorn Hotel, Paddo, and Patsy's two guests were mid-West American, Charles, and his wife Eva, born in Deutschland. They are professional house sitters and she has just written  her first book, a kids' book called 'Lahni's Mission' about a Samoid dog. Also illustrated by her, as she is an artist. I arrived well early and found a table near the door, so when I saw them arrive they recognised me first, or actually at the same time. We had an instant rapport, and the conversation never flagged for a good ninety minutes. It was a most enjoyable lunch and we exchanged emails with a recognition of kindred travelling spirits. Eva even knew about ECKANKAR when I mentioned on parting, that my next Sydney visit is for the Seminar in January at Brighton Le Sands. They even invited me to stay if they had a suitable house-sitting going on. Quite an exceptional encounter.

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