Tuesday 15 October 2013

Calm again!

I couldn't resist showing you the return of peace to our beautiful Evans Bay. Radio reports tell of repairs going on all over the island, so I wish them well.  Luckily here the sun has returned to bless us and I am back on the scooter, enjoying to the full the bayside bliss. Although I do plan again today to catch another Italian movie. Will keep you posted.
In the meantime just heard that in Whangerei (pron. Fungeray) the good work by the army in sandbagging the river has saved the town from flooding, one hundred and eighty residents can now return to their homes. Another example of kiwi resilience in the face of possible disasters. They are renowned for it. This example is just par for the course.

Yes, another Italian movie, as promised. This time an Italian conspiracy, uncovered, or not quite, as no-one ever knows the truth in Italia! It is called Piazza Fontana, about the bank bombing in Milano in 1969,and who did it, and who covered up. So many were 'hit', the truth will  never be known, but this movie covers a few options. The CIA, Italian Right Wing, Italian anarchists, you name it. It is darkly shot as befits the subject, and shows Italian crookedness at its best. Superbly acted, over two hours but you don't notice it, certainly worth the price of a ticket.

 Reminded me of my brief but memorable time in Milan, not long after this bombing took place, in 1972. My place of residence was the Hotel del Corso, two minutes from the fabulous Duomo cathedral, and was the hotel of choice for the brigade of international models who regularly descended   on Milano, for work, and a lot of fun. There was not much innocence in the  air however, and a gorgeous 'working girl' I met in the hotel elevator was evidence to that. She also walked away with my generously offered, at a good price, full length musquash fur coat I had purchased in London. They were the rage in the seventies, and I was a fashion victim, and also a model. Such was life in the fast lane in Milano, and the Mafia was never very far away. I must say I did enjoy it, and have a juicy tale of Venice which I promise I will keep for another blog. 

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