Thursday 31 October 2013


Today is my fortnightly visit to the New Zealand AIDS Foundation on Willis  Street. It's housed in a very gracious three storey heritage building and the people whom I see there are delightful. 

A Canadian social worker had invited me on my first visit to take part in a new project they were offering, for newly diagnosed people with HIV to share experiences with a few oldies, like me. There is a good turn-out today and the conversation is always stimulating,different and sometimes challenging. Today was all three of these, as there is a totally different story for each person, and the big lesson is never, ever, be judgemental. Many different nationalities tell their story and everyone is rapt listening to something they had never perhaps even dreamed about. It is a salutary lesson and I always walk away feeling a little wiser, a little enriched, by hearing stories of some very brave people. This epidemic is still out there, albeit with fewer infections and near zero fatalities. The ultimate aim, is, of course, zero infections, but that is a long bow to draw. New Zealand, however, had a good response and the former Labor Government invested a lot of money into education which has paid dividends. But there are still new people every month discovering they have become Positive, and for many this can be a traumatic experience, even today, so sessions like this one I attend can be very useful indeed. 

The hour passes all too quickly for me and I have to leave early to attend my weekly choir, not too far up the road on the famous 'The Terrace'.

Two hours later and the rehearsal for our Christmas concert went well, and I am filling in the odd half hour before my bus leaves in the foyer of the James Cook Grand Chancellor Hotel, which is warm and welcoming on this cold wet and windy night. The cosy twin bench armchairs provide a discreet space to write and observe the goings-on. The foyer is in effect, the quickest and most used route to reach Lambton Quay below where all the buses leave from. There's an elevator which descends three floors to the arcade below, and it's a much used thoroughfare.
It's nearly time so I'll quit and not take a chance of missing the bus!

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