Wednesday 16 October 2013

Springtime, at last.

Warm weather, finally, or is it just a tease, things change so fast in this windy paradise. But today, touted to be eighteen degrees, seems real enough. And flatmate A has the flu so she's gone to bed. Forgive my cynicism but this old ploy for having days off when you feel like it has been around since Adam, and I don't know how this A thinks I can believe her, but I play along with the charade, what can you do, especially when today she scrunches up all her blonde locks and sniffles her way to and from the kitchen making hot lemon, honey and ginger drinks. Yesterday, her first sick day, which she had announced she would be taking the day before, (as there were people from work who were really sick), she was up and about washing linen and redesigning her room, then spent the afternoon shopping for a new tablecloth, perchance to show off to the niece coming to stay on Friday. Never have I seen her so busy and achieving. I'll have to think about what I may say to her when she gets over the 'illness', but then she will never admit it, such is the power of self-persuasion. I suppose I'll just forget about it, and practise my philosophy of non-interference.

So back to my perfect day, at least that can be so, if I make it perfect. Blogging is a good start, and then a long overdue letter to Minneapolis, in preparation for my pilgrimage next April. Ooh, I forgot to say, I finally booked and paid upfront, my return flight with Air Canada, to Minneapolis for the Springtime ECK Seminar next April. So good to have that done, at a reasonable price including a week in beautiful Vancouver on the way home.
 Btw, I booked through a new, for me, cyber booking company based in Brisbane, such a centre for young Turks. The website is called BYOJet, was very minimal in booking exigencies, so clumsy me was able to do it quite easily. This is now something to look forward to in the new year, always good to have. 
Now to do some writing...

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