Friday 18 October 2013

Saturday organic market at St Paul's

But first a breakfast on Wakefield Street to celebrate the arrival of spring - the eternal optimist! I leave home before nine as the place is in mini turmoil, we had two house guests last night, one expected and one the result of flights cancelled due to the gale force winds. The latter was A's son who was given the couch in the TV room but opted for the more comfortable floor.  The niece had the guest bedroom and A, whose sickness by this time had been completely forgotten, was in mother mode, fussing around like a hen. Perhaps her visit to the doctor yesterday was exactly what she needed.

My cafe of choice was Mama Browns and it is Mexican fusion, the owner telling me that his upbringing, Mexican - Japanese - Kiwi, resulted in a wide range of tastes. Its earlier incarnation had been the Bagel Bakery, a US franchise which soon went bust with a lot of golf playing being enjoyed by  the principals.... not the way to go in the highly competitive Wellington restaurant scene. He is now salvaging his losses and this venture, only three months old,  has a very good chance of success. The coffee was perfect, I even had two, and it was served at the right temperature with a house made biscotte served balanced on the top of the cup, see photo. 

All in all, a good Saturday morning experience, with the warm sun streaming through the windows and a full day stretching ahead. The market, home for rest then big night of Scottish Dancing at distant Johnsonville.  My first NZ dance in my kilt!

As for the organic market, nestled beside the imposing orange coloured walls of St Paul's, it was abuzz with energy and music. The Argentine Tango is well and established in W and a one metre ninety lad was effortlessly transporting his lithe mixed race partner with twirls and lifts making the willing   audience gasp in admiration. All this with a tiny loudspeaker accompanying their sensuous moves under the low hanging branches of possibly an ancient oak tree in the courtyard of the cathedral. It was quite a scene and I captured it with my ever-ready camera for future reference. 

I made a few purchases, it is not a big market, just some locally grown asparagus and strawberries which survived  the recent  awful weather. I then discover my recent find of the Hungry Bin, worm composting to perfection, and have another chat about its undoubted benefits. I will eventually make that purchase.

Then on the scooter to a beautiful ride home past the many attractions of a spring Wellington morning on the waterfront, the Te Papa Museum not being the least. I pull myself away knowing I have a big night ahead.

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