Friday 11 October 2013

The Brooklyn Bakery

Saturday in Wellington
Finally the sun shines and the clothes are drying on the outside line..not mine but F's who desperately needs her work outfits for Sunday. Having been out of action with food poisoning or the like for a week, she's now better and even went to the Synagogue this morning so she is A0K.

 I decided to go to organic Market she recommended at St Paul's Cathedral, also to have a look at that piece of architecture, then on to the Green Fair, how to use ecology in the home at the Exhibition Centre on the quay which I have never visited. Well,  the market was nearly over, but bought some good asparagus and spinach and then visited the Anglican Cathedral  which was quite impressive in a modern sort of way, built 1896. As cathedrals go, it is young.
The Green show was excellent and I am now seriously thinking about a new NZ designed worm farm and composting bin, on wheels. It looks super efficient and better than my old Bokashi I left  in Hobart. There was also a NZ designed Bokashi which looked a lot better than mine anyway. Also a water ionizer caught my eye, I just love spending money!

Took home the brochures to consider my verdict. I am in the process of booking my flight to Minneapolis for next April and am spending 2.5 grand on that, so arguably I am a bit shy of more expense now.  After a shot of wheat grass juice in honour of Anne Wigmore, I move on to the Brooklyn cafe, my cafe of choice for Saturday morning.  Deciding on a grilled haloumi with avocado and salad and am happy with  that, although it is eaten already before I think to take a photo. The presentation was high and drizzled with balsamic vinegar.I feel like I need a coffee so I asked for a flat white, which was one of the best I've had in a while.

Checked out the Saturday paper and see the Italian Film Festival has arrived and I may make that my goal for tonight. I'll check the details on the net, but something about Mozarella sounds gastronomically interesting anyway. It's on at 8.30 so let's hope the weather stays off tonight and I can go by scooter. It has been so wet recently I have  forgone my favourite mode of transport. Tomorrow I have the radio show and dancing so it is all organised. Time passes quickly in Wellington and there is always something else to do. Oops, I must get fresh bread  and milk at Moore Wilsons on my way home, the best food store in Wellington   by far. The Brooklyn cafe is very child friendly btw, see photo.

A recent rainbow outside my house - they come regularly.

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