Thursday 3 October 2013

Fidel's on Cuba

At Fidel's and it hasn't rained all day. Spent the moning in bed with a sore neck and decided to see the doctor tomorrow, little good it'll do but I need some attention. Into the city by bus, called to see the landlord but not there in his Dairy. Haircut beckons in Cuba and Danny is conveniently free and with a long chat about his marital woes I get a hair cut and repair to Fidel's along the way, to have a juice and cake before the evenings adventures.
Fidel's is a little more upmarket than Midnight Espresso, but much the same genre. A little more self aware and the people are there sometimes to be seen I feel. it is also larger and has a big outside area for smokers, so it is popular with the Castro crowd!

I sit at the window seat and watch the crowd pass by, colourful and carefree, and always worth a look. Opposite is the Socks Queen, presumably selling all sorts of socks, but who knows, it could be anything. Cuba is like that, totally unpredictable, the slouchiest crowd and then the perfectly dressed dapper gent with three piece suit and two-toned brogues fronts up to the ATM.  It's Thursday night so Cuba will be jumping tonight. Am now on way to Pos Support group for out of townies, they asked me to attend and be supportive... After that is the Glamaphones and then home to a well earned rest for tomorrow. Wellington is certainly a city which people live in, and enjoy.

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