Tuesday 29 October 2013

The day after...in PLUM

Two people die on Mt Taranaki is the headlines in the paper today. Kiwis are such adventurers and of course the weather can be so vicious. It was a sad story but one which will probably happen again.
As for my boring life, I've just come from my scooter man who's about to retrieve my broken baby. The verdict will  be later in the week. In the meantime I am 'a pied',which is very good for my fitness! So I am seated in the lovely Cafe Plum on Cuba enjoying a somewhat guilty third cup of coffee for the day,the previous  two at home of course. The sun is shining and people are really feeling that spring is in the air, hopefully for more than a day! Cuba remains my favourite of all Wellington streets, for reasons of cafes, the shopping, pedestrian malls, and really just great people to gaze at. What more can one ask of a city? I am glad to be a pedestrian again and perhaps I should remain so, who knows? Is an old man on a scooter that ridiculous?

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