Tuesday 12 November 2013

City Library - again.

I am sitting at the wrong table! Yes there are laws about where you sit in this cafe I have started to frequent, but until now I thought I was quite legal. But I'm not, I'm a felon, or whatever someone is called who sits at the wrong table. I've always liked a certain personal space, so naturally I chose the long table to have my lemon and ginger at today. But now with guilt I am looking sideways to see if the cafe police are coming to fine me. But seriously this is an example of the great desire for fairness and equality in this country. And people need to be reminded of it, especially selfish newcomers, like me! 

 I've just returned three good dvds, the last one a Canadian-made documentary about Michael Moore, which I saw last night. It was very interesting to see how the hubris of the man who virtually created the American tell-the-truth documentary, knew very well how to stretch the truth himself. This doco was very truthful and didn't show the corpulent Mr Moore in such a squeaky-clean light. Although it did accept that many good things arose from his early documentaries, one of which, Bowling for Columbine, in 2002, following the terrible school massacre, won an Academy Award.

Nothing is ever as it seems, and sometimes it may be better just to not look at anything in the mainstream media. It is all tainted to some degree or other.

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