Friday 1 November 2013

Ferry crossing to Eastbourne

Beautiful morning dawns and plans to go on the harbour eventuate. The ferry trip to Eastbourne is only about a half hour but at least it's a start to seeing Wellington from the sea. No bookings are necessary and I just roll up at five to twelve for the midday departure. There are about twenty-five on board and most seem to want to have a picnic on the small uninhabited Soames island situated right in the middle of the harbour, which is our first stopover. But for me it's on to Eastbourne  where a good friend from Tassie used to live, and also I wanted to see Wellington city from a new perspective. It is quite beautiful and does live up to its publicity hype. 

Disembarking at the curiously named 'Days Bay',  I look at the map and see the Eastbourne village is still a twenty minute walk so I take the scenic road along the bay, checking out the architecture to which perhaps my builder friend Martin may have contributed in his day. A quick lunch stop at local cafe 'Vostro Gusto' is called for and also the obligatory coffee which is all quite OK, with very friendly service. Read the obituary to one of my generation's legendary rock singers Lou Reed, whose Satellite of Love composition still gives me goose bumps when I hear it. Walking on the wild side was my preference in the seventies too. Vale Lou Reed!

It's only a short trip from the city but here at Eastbourne you feel  you are in a holiday town, very laid back and happy. I see why my good friend Martin liked it here.

I may return by bus to have a look at that route as well. The springtime weather is here for a day at least, so I am making the most of it, as all Wellingtonians do.

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