Monday 4 November 2013

Melbourne Cup Day

Well it is the first Tuesday in November, even though in Wellington this blog date insists it is only Monday!
So as it's Melbourne Cup Day I've gone to the biggest TV screen to look at the race. It's in the Four Kings gaming hotel on Courtenay Place and although it's not yet full, it's not empty either. There is quite a buzz with assorted young people aware of the importance of of this Holy Day in Oz. I have a feeling for Fiorente, with Mt Athos as runner up, as the stupendous horse flesh parade their style in front of the millions of viewers. But who knows, with the 'Cup'  any horse can be a chance.
Ten minutes later...
Well the Cup has just been run, and won, and guess by whom? Yep, you gottit, Fiorente first and Mt Athos only third, bad luck there. I should have had a bet ay?  Strange how fate gives me two winners in a foreign city and I can't even make a bet! C'est la vie.

I took this picture as Fiorente was being walked in to the enclosure, before the race, really!
I look out the window and see that the city has not stood still at all for this race, and suddenly feel a little homesick, as Cup Day is quintessentially an Aussie day.

Back to more mundane affairs, my morning was spent under the needle, so to speak, or many of them to be exact. Elanita, a catchily named acupuncturist from the USA, generously donated her expertise and time to working on a few of the boys from Body Positive, one of the many worthy ventures organised by BP Wellington. She was absolutely amazing, with such healing hands I have rarely experienced. She emigrated here with psychiatrist hubby from San Diego in search of a new life, away from the stresses of the great US of A. They have only been here five months and are finding getting accepted, especially with the Maori with whom her husband works, quite difficult, and I can imagine why. There is a vast cultural gap between the US and NZ. I can only commend their guts and wish them both well.

But before if finish, last night was quite a memorable first meeting of the 'Six on Six' chat group at BP. Organised by the CEO in Auckland, this smaller group was an interesting bunch, all telling their individual stories and all so very different. Although with the younger ones there was an unfortunate trope of becoming infected by predatory HIV stalkers, some of whom were caught and are now spending time behind bars. In earlier times, and not SO long ago ago, NZ was a dangerous place it seems, to be a gay man. But everyone agreed they have come out the other side and have no anger or animosity toward those perpetrators. Which is an excellent result as anger gets you nowhere, even the righteous kind.  It was a good meeting and there are five more so we'll see how they unfold.

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