Saturday 2 November 2013

ECK New Year

At Flashdog Studios for the celebration of the ECKANKAR New Year, which is officially October 22, and commemorated by the talk of the Spiritual Leader Sri Harold Klemp delivered at the Worldwide Seminar at Minneapolis. 

Today we get together, have a potluck lunch and then settle in to listen to Sri Harold's talk earlier recorded on the computer. There are ten of us in all and eight nationalities in that ten. Sri Harold's talk is always humorous, peppered with anecdotes which are relevant to people's everyday lives. They all have spiritual connections, showing tests that are spiritual experiences and how people learn through them.

But today there was as well, a rather upsetting story from one of the Kiwis present which resonated as an enormous test. G had just returned from Auckland where she had stayed with her sister. The night of her stay a tragic accident took the life of her sister's daughter at only forty years. The car her daughter was driving ran off the road at night in heavy rain and killed her instantly, leaving her two small daughters locked in their seat belts in the rear seat for over three hours before anyone discovered the wrecked car. How the the family survives this incredible awful accident remains to be seen. 

This story threw into light relief my recent experience when my scooter was stolen and trashed.How insignificant does that seem in comparison with my friend's story. Is there a good side to this horrible,seemingly  meaningless accident?

All of us lead varied lives, some more haphazard than others. Do we just wait and let fate deal us its ugly, or sweet, hand, or do we go out and grasp what we consider is rightfully ours? This is a question which I pose myself often, especially when so-called 'unjust' things happen to us. In the case in point, one may well ask what did these two babes, one only twelve months old, the other a six year old, do to lose their mother so tragically at this young age? And why did the mother have to go so soon and lose the pleasure and excitement of her two beloved girls? 

These are justly unfathomable questions if we don't take into account the possibility of past lives and re-incarnation, a belief system indulged in by the vast majority of this world's intelligent beings. As I count myself among that mass, I pause to consider the reasons for this recent tragedy which will affect many lives for the years to come. And there ARE reasons, but they are just too complex for the mere mind to understand, and this is where the sub-conscious, often manifested in the dream state comes into play. 

The 'father'of dream study, C G Jung, changed the world's attitude to dreams with his exhaustive research in this area.  Neglect dreams at your own peril, for it is here that many of life's conundrums are answered. In the case of this terrible 'accident', reasons for it will one day be forthcoming, it all depends on the allowing of life to be played as a drama in the context of LOVE, not with BLAME attached. For no-one is responsible, things happen just as they should for those concerned to enable them to unravel the complexities of their lives.  Perhaps we can look at our own lives in this context and discover why certain things are as they are?

More about this mystery in another blog...

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