Sunday 24 November 2013


Monday and Wellington is a little quieter after a busy, nearly summer weekend. The weather is slowly warming up but we will never get a summer like in OZ, thank goodness. I have ducked into the Swiss Ice-cream shop, Movenpick, on corner of Manners and Victoria Streets. The ice cream looks excellent but I foolishly order a coffee, forgetting it is five o'clock and one pm is my deadline for caffeinated drinks. I will pay later for this being awake at two am.  However I can tell it's not too strong, certainly not a double shot.

Our Community Radio went off on its last show yesterday, and I fear it needs a revamp if we are to continue it next year. Having it on the air is a great idea but if no-one, as I fear is the case, listens to us, it's a bit of a waste of time. We'll see, I may have to volunteer to lead it next year myself, meaning lots more energy in that direction. I would have to do a bit of work on my vocal chords however as they are letting me down big way at present. Although I don't know what to do about it...

Each day in Wellington when I venture out of my home is a new adventure, as I am never sure what may pass. Today I have decided to buy some cologne, and have found a specialist with a dedicated woman selling what seems to be authentic perfumes at not too ridiculous prices. She has given me a number of tests on different coloured cardboard slips. I can now wait a little before deciding to invest. 

Fragrance for me has always been a big thing having discovered the beauty and seduction of Guerlin in Paris over forty years ago. Those days are well and truly over, and the big corporations have barged in with quality and authenticity seeming to have disappeared, especially with certain French fragrances, and Guerlain, unfortunately, is amongst them I feel. I am opting for something not so famous, but has a nice  whiff  and seems to last. I look forward to smelling better now that sweaty summer is arriving.

Tonight is the fourth of our Six On Six meetings at BP, and I am hoping that it will be as interesting, as the last one, if not more. The American husband of E is coming to talk about things psychological, I have no idea what may eventuate. But that is Wellington!

A young student in his private school blazer doesn't know he has been caught perfectly blending in with Movenpick's colour scheme.

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