Friday 15 November 2013

Spring day

Another interesting day of choices, ending up at the Paramount cinema. 
Above, the beautiful views from my morning balcony, with a tiny fisherman taking early advantage of a coming summer to dream about I'm sure.

Below is the foyer of the majestic Paramount where the Festival of Shorts is showing and I am really looking forward to catching a few tonight. I am sitting opposite an interesting couple, young bearded man and slightly older but attractive, and attracted, female. They are sharing a bottle of beer, she with the aid of a wine glass, but when the glass is empty, she is still thirsty so she intimately shares the neck of the beer bottle with her friend. I can imagine a work relationship evolving into something more than that, after-hours on Friday night. Perhaps it is in early days as he doesn't show so much interest yet. The stage will have to be set right for anything to eventuate I fear, as Wellington is such a small town, people do talk. In NYC it would be a piece of cake!

But back to 'reality', a day at BP with 'de boyz', only difference was me inviting Lesley and Woi Woi to my home for L to change for their climbing of Mt Vic, an invitation to join I happily demurred from. 'Another day', I said, it looks too high and the weather still to cool for that ascent. So they dropped me on the way back and I strolled along the waterfront to my destination of the old cinema, little changed from its glory days, many, many years ago. 

It is Friday, but early this morning a text from V put paid to our regular HU song - they are both away for the weekend. So a rare free Friday night for me to enjoy doing other things, but I do have a very busy weekend ahead of me, again. This time it's Sunday at Wanganui, which will be quite a full day of ECK Service, and tomorrow a 'social' with many lesbians from the Glamaphones. That one should be interesting, and I am prepared for anything. It is in the afternoon from only three to six so they are being careful; I may well be gone by five I would say, as I really am not friendly with any of them, and the males won't be there I feel. I am still a stranger there but I will have to be patient, not one of my normal characteristics. Have prepared a multi-berry tart which is my contribution to the fare. Should be OK.

But now to the shorts...

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