Friday 22 November 2013

Thai on The Terrace

I decided to be brave and meet the Glamaphones on their own turf, which just happened to be a Thai restaurant  about fifty metres from St. Andrew's where we sing every Thursday at 6.30pm.
I arrived early with no-one there, but soon there were six, of whom two are men. 

The food was quite OK and not expensive, but we were there principally to have a bite and socialise before our weekly rehearsal. Jo, the choir secretary, sat next to me and we had a nice conversation but time was short as she had to leave early. However it's somewhere I will probably return to, as it's a good way to get to know the other singers.

The rehearsal went well and I even volunteered to be a placard holder for the Twelve Days of Christmas which we are illustrating with Kiwi motifs. It is going to be a different 'Carols' afternoon I'm sure.

More music, this afternoon at Caffe L'Affare, off Tory street, with six Double Bassists from NZSO of whom one I had hoped, would be my neighbour Matt. But no luck, he did not appear. The group, however, was excellent, and it was a nice way to tail-end my Friday afternoon. This cafe has to be one of the best in W, certainly one of the most popular. 

The gig is over and there is great camaraderie as the musicans chat with their partners and have a beer. The two techies quickly dismount the sound engineering and all is over until their next gig on Sunday at St Andrew's on The Terrace. 

There is always some interesting connection in Wellington, probably because of it being such a small city, and  it is an organic connection, with healthy relationships among the participants. The atmosphere is normally very confidant and laid-back, with no pretence nor expectations. However, they always deliver the goods and the quality is very high.

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