Friday 29 November 2013

World AIDS Day

Well it was evident from the gods on high that the Red Ribbon Day would be a success. The day was sunny and not even too windy so the bucketeers went forth with great gusto. I volunteered and was sent to the big supermarket New World, only a couple of blocks from BP, and it was fascinating to have the opportunity to read the public, and their purses,  as most were unashamedly generous.

 I say that because people are strange when it comes to donating in public, some do not like to be seen doing it, and some are just downright stingy and avoid eyeballing you completely. However that is the tiny minority as the Kiwi public today showed that they are generous and caring, and colourful.  I  was constantly entertained by the passing throngs of shoppers, especially as it was a  Friday afternoon, and near to Christmas, albeit four weeks away. There was a lot of beer and wine going out in the shopping trolleys and not a few magnums of champagne.

The Joy of Giving with Lesley
In the pub...

Later that evening I repaired to the Four Kings pub on Courtenay Place for a farewell drink for young  J who is returning to England. Rather sadly, as he has made such good friends in Wellington and loves the city to bits. 

His workmates and pals joined him for a few jugs of beer and I stayed for a short while to meet and chat with his two Irish friends, Louise and Connor from Cork and Tipperary, both of whom say there is a mass emigration going on in Ireland at present, with great unemployment there. They seem very happy to have moved to NZ to escape it. I decide soon after to leave gracefully as the young people will be enjoying their farewell drinks, which quite possibly, may be many.

The gale force wind has come back upon Wellington and I am making my way home before it gets too strong. It has been a tiring but very interesting day.

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