Sunday 8 June 2014

Cafe Z

Sunday off Tory St, Cafe Z for Zaida, my preferred fix on  Sunday morning. Also just around the corner from my cinema haunt of the moment, The Paramount. 

After a big disappointment yesterday I need to try to get back Festival confidence by seeing a good  documentary, another one about gender dysphoria, this one called 'Beyond the Binary'. It's also a good reason not to be home while A does her next-to final-moving - best to leave her space to herself and H.
It's getting closer to her final move time, but her bed is still there. Things have settled and the drama is slowly diffusing as she sees she has made the right decision in moving in with her hopeful life partner, H. Good luck to them!

In the meantime I get on with my life, creating websites and getting housemates...
Cafe Zaida, busy Sunday.

Sharing a nice space with the owner's family

A sloppy looking coffee, but one of the best!

Classic Kiwi politics, pollie sent down by whistleblower

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