Saturday 7 June 2014


What a day does in Wellington...

This morning I woke up to a definite NO from the possible new flatmate, she is sorry but wants to stay on in K.  So be it, immediately I reposted the ad. We'll get the right one at the right time. In the meantime I am focussing on getting the room together and also renting out the small one on Air BnB.

But today is Saturday, and is the day of the choir. My favourite choir WOSOSI was having an afternoon of  singing  in Wadestown and I finally got there, just in time, as I went to the wrong church. Luckily I discovered a notice on a local cafe window which said,  'choir afternoon down the road' and I found another church hall where they were, but not their usual rehearsal one which I went to.

 It was an amazing practice and I fell in love totally and absolutely with the choir and I will doubtless join them. Now I have a car it is much easier to attend although they are on a bus route.

All is well in the world, and after an early coffee with Tom in Newtown this morning and some market shopping,  I am now about to catch another movie with him and B at The Paramount. But before the movie I am having another first, a burger at the Wisconsin Burger shop, gourmet burgers I am told. It is just up the road from the church so I don't have to go far.
A busy day today,  but a relaxing tomorrow, I hope!
The Burger shop..forgettable, but then I never fancied hamburgers!
Waiting for a Wisconsin burger...

NZ's top mag for Cool Guys..???

The movie was also totally forgettable. I really don't know why I chose it, a waste of time and money, but it was nice to catch up with T and B.
The film, called 'The Geography Club', was a US production of a high school,'gay romance', how it ever got made is beyond me. It was a total indictment of ignorant and silly American culture.
 Zero Stars!

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