Thursday 5 June 2014

Fidels For Morning Tea

Well the name says it all. It is one of Cuba St's iconic cafes, and always popular with young and old. This morning I have delivered the rack of my scooter to Jamie, having forgotten I had removed, it, and now am having a nice Kawkawa tea in the Garden with jazz and conversation all around. The only negative is the bad service, but nice, and the lingering smell of smokers who have just left, happily.

This is the beginning of the Cuba St Jazz festival with lots on tonight so I wonder where I'll go. I may even catch another doco at the The Paramount!

This morning I received a somewhat positive email from Michelle,who apologised for dithering.I have  arranged she meet Fir tonight and that may well help her decision. I hope so, if not, I have decided very happily to go full-bore with my Air BnB idea and just rent the room out to visitors. Fir is fine with this and I know it will work. My first business leap in NZ. Wish me luck. I am also setting up the website for my 'Easy French for Beginners and Advanced Students'. I feel very energised since I have bought my sports car, I wonder if there is any link,  lol!
Fidel's Garden..
Fidel everywhere...
Corruption in Government...
More restaurants in Tory Street.

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