Monday 2 June 2014

New Flatmate

Well what a difference a day makes! The Aussie applicant decides to stay put (but only after my emailing him to see if all was OK!) A good escape that one, so I have subsequently asked Michelle to come and am awaiting her response, a positive one I am hoping for.
Michelle on terrace...
She looks like the right one ay?

Chai latte in Starbucks...

The day has dawned well and the auguries are positive. The AA man came after 8am to inflate my tyre, which for some weird reason had gone flat, then into the mechanic Bho to give me a definitive inspection of beautiful Bella. So I am now waiting for his call to pick her up and see what, if anything, is wrong. So I popped into BP and R told me of the front page of the Dominion Post, see pic, a great piece of publicity about  Muslim countries who discriminate against gays. 
Abraham from the Maldives, whose drag name is Medulla Oblongata, won the first prize in Wellington as Miss Capital Drag last night at Ivy's Drag bar in Cuba Street. He is an activist and looks beautiful as a woman, non? More power to drag queens I say!

Just picked the (rather expected bad) news from Bho. A bit of work to do, including a well overdue service so I leave Bella with him for her 'grooming'. In two days I expect a bill of around $700 and a car in great condition. Which means that I must recoup the paltry $700 that J is offering me for my poor scooter.  Let's hope he doesn't reduce that any more, he's a right businessman. So back home now to practise my poi for tonight's Tiwhanawhana.

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