Wednesday 4 June 2014

Movie with Tiwhanawhana

I am off again to the Out Movie Festival, but first I have an excellent cup of tea at The Laundry on Cuba Street. I am actually waiting for my barber to return. He has quaintly left a handwritten post, Back at 2.45, and that may be at a stretch I would think. But he is a good barber so I will wait, I hope it is Danny who is my regular  barber however.
Neighbours in The Laundry
Eclectic mix, very Cuba Street.

I am in a stasis at present - car being looked at, new housemate still deciding to come or not, old housemate being very weird moving things out of house which I know are not hers to move, but what can I say. She probably feels the need to take some of things she identified with into her new home, a sign, I suppose, of how much she liked living here.

Tonight I am seeing two queer movies, but one is with my friends from Tiwhanawhana, as it is a movie about transgendered people in Hawaii so there will be a lot of identification. I am really looking forward to socialising with this group who have become my friends. Later a second movie which is more mainstream gay, but looks good.

Later that night...

 I finally found Danny the barber, but at a new hairdresser's not too far away just off Cuba. A really nice set-up called Grandfathers Barbershop, owned by a Brazilian called Rodriguez, they are quite a duo. After a nice very short hair-cut I am back to see Ron at BP and we agree to meet at six at The  Paramount. The cinema is nearly full, the Producer and Director are both there and the documentary is more than good, it is fantastic. 

Entitled 'Kumu Hina', it is the story of a transgender Native Hawaiian who by the end of the movie is standing for Federal US election! A great love story as well, as she falls in love with a traditional ( see problems!) Tongan man, marries him in Fiji and takes him back to Hawaii where she is a kids' teacher of traditional native Hawaiian cultural singing and dance, especially with kids who show signs of being 'in the middle', as she says, which is her case. With a booming male voice and strong personality she is a woman inside and she likes it that way. 

A second story within the movie is about the confidence she inspires in a young 'mahu' transgender girl to lead the troupe of older all male hula dancers in the school concert at the end of year. This is a must-see movie for most people, but especially for those with gender differences or dysphoria. 
Six stars!

The next was an Argentinian movie which was bland and boring in comparison, although touted to be one of the best in the fest. Not! Strangely call 'Hawaii', it is about two young men of different social classes, who spend one and a half hours on the screen avoiding making love, then at the very end, kiss. That's about it, and it didn't recommend me to Gay Argentina one bit. It was a big wank, without any star! So much for 'gay' movies. 

However I saw all my Tiwhanwhana friends there and had a good talk with one of them who also owns a sports car, as well as a smart sedan! These girls are very special indeed.

Beautiful Cuba St with Jazz 

Danny at his new barbershop

The Paramount Cinema 'Out' festival

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