Tuesday 24 June 2014

First guests, from Toulon

At last my BnB is happening, for better or for worse. It really is like a marriage and you just have to get used to sharing your space with strangers. My first two guests were from heaven, and gave me great optimism for the future. A young French couple, inveterate travellers, replied to my listing within one hour and booked me for one night and stayed three, they loved Wellington so much, and also my home I do believe. I gave them my usual hospitality and they were also very generous in accepting it. They accompanied me to my first Winter Solstice party at a WOSOSI friend's home which was perfectly delightful with lovely warm people gathered around a warm fire drinking mulled wine. The two young ones enjoyed the unusual company and it was a great start to their little stay. I hope to find more guests like them, but I don't think so as they were very special. They also keep a fantastic, up to date blog which no doubt featured my place in their last posting. I must have a look one day. I was even filmed and interviewed for another of their projects. I wonder where that will eventually appear?

The Tiger Room

The Flower Room..

The youngest person at the Winter Solstice 

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