Wednesday 25 June 2014

Moving on...

Well the euphoria of my first guests has slowly dissipated into reality. I will never make a go of this BnB trip in less than six months if ever. I went on the net to discover there are over a hundred similar establishments in Wellington itself, and although mine is up there with the best, the competition is so   fierce that I will never have enough income to pay the rent from this idea. It could, however, be a little extra if I do things correctly, like find someone permanent for the small room and keep the big one for occasional paying guests. So that's how it's shaping up at the moment, and a prospective tenant is coming by tonight who sounds quite a possibility, but I have learned to have no expectations in this cit-throat world of renting.
Late brekkie at Cafe Lava on Willis

You will see I am at yet another cafe, the Lava, in downtown Wellington. 

Yes the glasses lurghy has hit again, the other stem broke yesterday after the super tightening, but this time no local technician as in Christchurch, but it is sent to Auckland, can you believe, to be repaired and at more than double the price of Christchurch. This is what I had expected actually. The south island has a different mentality to that of the norh. In the south, they can do anything themselves - they have to, I suppose, being so remote. But even here in Wellington, the southernmost tip of the north island, a technician is not available and Auckland is brought in. However it is still cheaper than the optometrist who created the fragile stems, who said the only way is new frames at a minimum of two hundred dollars! Such is the dishonest business ethic of this certain optometrist who shall remain nameless. But why one quick visit to an optometrist has cost me nearly one hundred dollars and a lot of inconvenience has to be questioned. What karma did I owe here, as obviously something has gone wrong somewhere. I'll have to contemplate on that one and place no blame anywhere for fear of increasing my karma yet again!

In the meantime I am recovering from another bad back problem, having overdone my excercise on the weekend it seems. Yesterday a visit to the redoubtable Joe Gin, my Chinese man who loves to hurt me, went somewhere to alleviate the pain and I am now waiting another day before I perhaps seek more treatment. Too much dancing is just too much, I have discovered. So back to organising a seductive BnB ad for facebook as that is the only way I will get guests to arrive, at this stage anyway. I am hoping that today's prospect is favourable as it would solve all my problems. He is an American to boot, a good sign as the Kiwi element is not good in a BnB, albeit spasmodic visitors.

The gale force winds have finally abated which is also a good sign and after today's city visit by bus, I am back to my normal regime. Interestingly, today I waited ten minutes for the bus, and thinking I had missed it, I started walking to town. then suddenly it appeared and I waved to the woman in it who had also been waiting patiently
 at the bus stop. Suddenly the bus driver decided to pull over and pick me up, not at any designated stop, something that happens rarely in a big city and worth noting. Bus 646  will hopefully get a sign of thanks from me on the net. 

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