Thursday 1 September 2016

Boxes arrive

Well the boxing day has arrived, and big Graeme from Conroy's movers who had come not once, but  twice last year to prepare my move, has arrived with twenty-four quite large cartons for me to pack my worldly goods. It will be yet another significant move, back to my home town, again, but this time not  care for an ageing mother as it was in 1998 when I arrived back from France and made that epic decision. The decision this time is as important, but for other reasons and I am quietly excited that in the intervening eighteen years I have made certain changes in my life which will allow me to orchestrate this move with as much grace as a chef d'orchestre, the one profession I would dearly have loved to have followed - in my dreams! I may have to come back to achieve that prize, or I just may not. Who knows, only time will tell.

Here is a famous Maori Kiwi feeling very much down on his uppers, and also, it appears, is suffering from Alzheimers which will not exonerate him from the fraud which he was judged to have committed, and tragically it was against his own iwi.

But below is the classic Kiwi hero, and tonight I am about to go and see the documentary he allowed to be made about his life,an inspirational movie to help young Kiwis achieve their dreams. The trailers looked excellent, Richie McCaw, take a bow!
Not likethese very privileged young Brits, students at the posh Eton Public School, who decided after much organisation and obvious expense, to spend ten days at the Kremlin to meet Vladimir Putin.  He who always never misses a publicity stunt, welcomed them and made a fuss with his Politburo.  I wonder where these boys will be in twenty years time, at the top of a tree somewhere, or even at the bottom looking up. One can never tell.

My beautiful BMW Bella is For Sale but no-one is interested in her so I have reduced the price to a mere $7,000 dollars, a very cheap price for such a lovely lady. Ché sera sera, I am not really bothered about the outcome.

It's another busy weekend I have, with lunch tomorrow with Ron and Lesley, and then a big Scottish Ball at Lower Hutt in the evening. Sunday is a long drive to Waikanae for a luncheon my ECK friends have organised to say goodbye to me. And Sunday night is the last rehearsal before the fund-raising show on Saturday September 10 at Thistle Hall.

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