Tuesday 6 September 2016

Wellie gales - again

decided to attend Toastmasters today and let them know I leave in two weeks. Interestingly my Table Topic today was the 'most significant book I have ever read'. With such a memory as mine, on no notice whatsoever, the only book which came to mind was The Bible, which I have never even read. But in one way or another it has certainly affected my life. It went down OK.

They are such a nice bunch, Caroline, Michael, Kenneth and Jarek, so I will be sad to leave, but they accepted a final speech from me next meeting, my last, which will be the Wednesday of the week I leave. I told Val I will speak on ’What to do in a crisis situation!' This should bring out a few points of my life to leave them with.
Obama seeing the world a'changin' under his reign..

Only in NZ would they create a bookclub for the down-and-outers!

Here is a Kiwi comic,pehaps styled after Mr Bean, who became an unexpected finalist in America's Got Talent, and he doesn't say a word! Again, Kiwi ingenuity at work.

The rot sets in with the Sixties Hippygeneration losing their 'raison d'être', with the 'utopian dream' shattered in Arizona.

Mel Gibson makes another winner,a violent ode for peace, perhaps he has talent in spades after all!

Mark Reason challenges the Rugby establishmentin New Zealand to own up to dirty play...

Tom arrives andParis has pizza

Honey businesses are thrivingin ths small country which introduced me twenty years ago to the magical cures of Manuka Honey. Anne Gilbert, whose birthday is today, is researching into the future of such honey in Pipiriki, on the great Whanganui River. There is a place I will visit one day on a return trip.

Kids doing honey at school!

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