Thursday 29 September 2016

Last coffee at Memphis

Drama at the finish line!
This morning on getting up I realised I had a problem still with my luggage as my carry-on bag was too big for the cabin! So a quick rejig made me think I needed a bigger second bag to take the rest and then take my regular trolley bag, which is the right size, on the plane.

 Confused? So was I, as I quickly  rang my friend David to see if he could give me the bigger bag Viva had offered on Wednesday. He was there thank goodness, and said 'come by after ten'. So I dropped everything to go into Memphis for just ten minutes instead of my usual two hours, and when I got there Paris was smiling as always so I knew all would be right. I would still have time to see Chanel at NZPC as I had planned and also drop in a bag of clothes to the Sallies which was nearby.

At the Sallies I just happened to look for another suitcase which might work and the pefect one was there for me, well loved and only eight dollars. It was not an expensive one but just the right size with a handle to pull it on wheels. I breathed a sigh of relief as I said to myself, I'll ring David at 10.15  to say all was well after all, he would understand. A quick jaunt up to NZPC and Chanel looked wonderful and gave me a big hug. She is such a wonderful person and a beautiful Soul. I will miss her and will stay in touch that's for sure.

So feeling more relaxed I got the next bus home and had a good two and half hours to repack and say goodby to Julian who was still in bed I think. I was young once, I say to myself,  and tell him his bed linen which I had washed this morning will be dry when he comes home tonight, if he does, that is.
So after several repacks I descend the very heavy two bags my steep sixty-nine steps, (they have kept me fit for three years so I am not complaining) to leave them waiting on the roadside for my booked shuttle taxi at 1.30pm, or so I thought. I wanted to be early so I was there on time, at least, if not before. 

Twenty minutes later, still no Shuttle, I panicked and began to ring for a taxi as I thought it may have gone earlier without me. But just as Combined Taxis answered, the Shuttle Bus appeared around Point Jerningham and the driver was effusively apologetic saying the traffic had been Wellington?
So all was well after all and I got to the airport in good time. 

Air NZ, fully automated, gave me my Boarding Pass and two stickers for my now two bags, and I shunted them, nearly breaking my back, to the moving carriageway, that is, after the charming girl asked me how much I thought they weighed, and I lied smiling, saying twenty-two kilos and seventeen kilos. Fine, she said and waved me through. I had made it, only just, with a 'new' old bag which had seen much travelling in New Zealand I'm quite sure.

I felt much lighter as my my bags slid down the rolling track and I hoped I would see them in their two pieces in Sydney in a few hours.

So I passed quickly through immigration and the charming woman said she hoped I'd be back one day as she checked my 'permanent departure' tick on the form.
I sat in the lounge where I have been many times before, and ordered a decaff coffee to celebrate my successful negotiating of the always stressful departure protocol.

Paris wishing me luck on my travels....
Putin, forever the criminal, may eventually get his come-uppance, but I wonder?
Although this proof of Russia's guilt is now in the papers....
My last supper with the three housemates last night, Chris, Barbara and Julian. I baked the orange cake for Barbara's birthday which is very soon.
Our flight is late and all the Kiws are quietly wating for their flight...they seem to be used to it.

 And now for my return to Sydney and the long October weekend. It is a fitting start to my Aussie life as this holiday weekend heralds the arrival of the swimming season and is a salutary reminder of the great difference in climate with New Zealand. I have also now decided now to spend the three days in Sydney with Mike and return to Gosford on Monday, perhaps with Peter K. as he is in Sydney for a show and this could be very convenient indeed.

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