Monday 5 September 2016

Getting into second gear

Yes things are hotting up with still three weeks to go. Today is the day I start packing my first of twenty-four cartons. At least it's a start.
Cancer risks are now prevalentin younger, seemingly healthy people - why? Is it the change from natural foods to proceessed junk? This must have something to do with it
Wellington Hospital with more parking problems. I'm not at all surprised as they don't seem to be able to plan in the long-term.
Eighty yearmayoral candidate who sees where there is gross over-spending and little accountability.
Horrific rape storywith a gulity verdict and only twelve months home detention - for completely ruining several lives. Is that justice?
Good tale of Wellngtonbeing the honesty capital!

And Memphis being the internationaldrawcard!

Poor government not looking afterthe poorer people..

A step in the right direction for French Muslimswith a modernist liberal approach being touted by the Imam of Bordeaux. There is hope yet.

This entrepreneur,Chris Parkin, certainly knows how to push Wellington's middle class into quality city living. It looks to be a real goer and will make him even wealthier. He was the one who moved the Museum Hotel across the road and then sold it for a king's ransom.
Entertainmentpage showing the quality and variety on offer in this rich and cultured town of only 200,000 inhabitants, mostly cultural gourmands!

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