Friday 2 September 2016

Sunny Saturday in Newtown

Today I take Bella to show her off in Newtown, but there I don't think I will get too much interest. I already have 400 hits on Trademe with 12 people 'watching' which means that at theend of the fourteen days I may get one or two offers, I only need one person really interested so have reduced the price to an unbeatable $7k. I am happy someone will get a great car, and a great buy. 

On to the Newtown market to shop and then a visit to see Tom and Brent painting their dining room, later to lunch at Ron's with Lesley and Gerard at Island Bay. More practice at NZPC for the Saturday's show and then home to bake a gluten-free orange cake to take to Sunday lunch at Waikanae. 
There is a big Scottish Dance tonight at Lower Hutt as well. I am ready for it after a quick nap - it always saves the day.
Here is Bella resplendent outside Café Baobab
More great cooking in Wellington...this time Spanish

A Kiwi world champ deep sea diver...awwrrgh!

Earthquake and a local....

On Ron's terrace for lunch....

His view of Aotearoa...

On the wall at the Lower Hutt Ball.There were so many turned up and the supper was stupendous. I wore my garish yellow tie and recieved many comments but I did have a good time. Home at midnight quite tired after a very, very, busy day!
There were quite a few young ones there, great!

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