Sunday 4 September 2016

Counting down

After the Harji  lunch yesterday we had a final rehearsal at Thistke Hall for the big fund-raiser show on Saturday and it was a bit rough as my dance-partner, Michael, is still in Japan! But it will all be AOK!

A good sleep after an enormous weekend and on to Memphis in the morning.

Below...Eddie is having his coffee at Memphis on the wondowseat while I have a coffee with Anne, his Mum.
Obama in China with a not very warm welcome- things are changing in their relationship as China gets stronger and the US weaker...
Below Australia is getting more nervous about China's more powerful military presence..
And here is the Kiwi bank investing its ernormous assets with firms who blow up people! Where is rhe morality in money?
And Australia needs to help save the elephant from pain and extinction, but will it?
Here is a young Kiwidirector/writer/actor making a movie on depression, 'the Black Dog'.

What I have always said, the police force here needs a great revolution!
Perhaps he is our next Mayor....Justin Lester 

Today I booked my mover and have been contacted for a test drive for Bella on Saturday. It's amazing how much can change in a day! I feel really optimistic about the potential purchaser, she is from the Kapiti coast and sounds like the right person for Bella. I knew she would sell easily! 
I must keep my confidence and awareness up in the heavens (the soul plane) where they belong.
Life is much easier up there...

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