Monday 14 November 2016

Grey Woy Woy

Awoke to grey skies but still warm weather on the Peninsula. But poor New Zealand has been rocked with severe earthquakes and the papers say it all. They expect these quakes but when they come it is still always a shock, and an enormous expense to recover from.
This was a bigger quake than decimated Christchurch in 2011...
In Sydney yesterday I re-lived a time of fifty years ago having a coffee in the only relic left from the glorious days of Rowe Street. And in today's Herald they showed just hiw it used to be. Memblune has doazens of thesenprecuois and atmospheric oane bitnAynsy has few or bine at all. rowe Stree was a gem of it s tome an gave way to big projects like the Theater Roya and an an arcade.
Here I am reflected in the glass at the last café in Rowe Street, and I had a very nice coffee. I'll go again.
Outside little goes on, it is all in the big complexes which is a tragedy for atmospheric city living and something which places Sydney far below Melbourne in city charm and usability. 
Demonstrations still happening, America has woken up.
Robert Vaughan was not just a movie star, but political Activist extraordinaire.
How Sydney Is over rated and over priced in many big-name restaurants. Moncur is one of them.

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