Sunday 6 November 2016

Recovery day at Ruby's

Below the locals enjoying their coffees and chats
Reg Mobassa co-founder of Mambo is a quintessential achieving ex-pat Kiwi
This may be auguring Trump's exit.....?
Dionne Warwick, a true icon of Soul music is amazing looking and soon to sing in Sydney....I would love to be in her audience!
Deng Adut in more will he cope with this increasing fame I wonder.....
This was the state of  siege on Sunday when I returned home from the weekend at Riverwood Downs. I am not looking forward to a hot lengthy summer with the ever-present threat of damaging fires.

This reminds me of my stint thirty years ago at La Guillotine bistro in the Haymarket where I was the head cook and bottle washer. It was a great and enjoyable job and showed me that I could cook a keen omelette, make a poulet cassoulet and even bake some crusty baguettes. But it was hard work and I lasted just a few months...

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