Sunday 6 November 2016

Riverwood Downs

A two hour thirty minute drive saw me arrive at the beautifull restful retreat below the Barrington Tops. Many dancers have already arrived and the feeling is one of great expectations.
Even a little one wants to dance....
The reception area where I scoffed a beautiful icecream!
Warming up in the big hall along which were the many bunk rooms with four beds but luckily only two adults per  room! The two day program was chock-full of constant new dances for everyone to learn and enjoy. The time sped by and my room-mate was a quiet sleeper I was happy to discover.
The many caravans alongside the narrow briskly running stream, a tributary of the majestic Hunter River I was told.
I visited my good friend Rachel and met her two talented offspring who then gave me a concert of their piano skills. We shared a wonderful meal of seared salmon cooked by partner Lachie and had a long catchup woth plans to see them again very soon. 

And in the drive home in the dark and I even got lost taking the wrong turn at Kariong, so much formy  navigation skills!

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