Sunday 27 November 2016

Monday Delivery of Stuff

Today marks the final chapter of the arrival of the rest of my stuff from New Zealand, stuff which seems to validate my existence, but  do I need it all? It is too cumbrous and now my tiny cabin-home has no space for it all and I do not know where I will put everything. I am also organising a small shed to be built in front to take the overload. More downsizing, but more thinking about possessions.
Things are certainly happening on this front and people are slowly waking up, but they are not accurate here with the Gadigal peoples....
P.M.  becoming more and more unpopular..
The end of Communist Cuba perhaps....
Terrible story of gay boy suiciding at thirteen years old...when will this homophobia stop?
My favourite actor  Michael Fassbender...
More Black support but more needed....

Love this article and have written to this young student to congratulate him...

So much to do at home to unpack twenty big boxes and distribute my will make the place more interesting, but more cluttered!

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