Thursday 24 November 2016

Movie repeat...

Today has been interesting to say the least and it's only just started. As Cherel was busy there was no walk with Penny so after a good sleep I jump on to Everest, my new push bike, and pedal down to our regular venue where we normally go. I get lost but not for long, just seeing all the homes in Umina is interesting.

Then on to Ruby's for a well earned coffee and I met a delightful lady from Pearl Beach who is 95.3 years old and lives in a granny flat like me. We were both angry at the news and lamented the fascist state of State politics in NSW in particular. We agreed that Premier Baird was lilylivered and even a crook, and he should resign. There is a good woman waiting who will be far superior.
This is the face of NSW politics, Italian mafia I'm afraid...
But happy news is this Aboriginal rap couple who are making big waves in modern music. Great news which made me feel much better. 
And her is Everest,as she is aptly called as it is like climbing a mountain each time I go out. I hope it will   make me much fitter and I will try to ride her every day.

Later this afternoon, I am meeting with Ian from The Laramie Project to see a great tearjerker movie, The Light between the Oceans and I hope I will like it as much or even more than I did when I saw it last week. I am sure Ian will like it too.

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