Wednesday 9 November 2016

We were wrong....!!!

The SMH used sensationalist headlines to herald in a new world order. But will it be so? Don't the same wealthy cartel of five über-rich familes and individuals make all the financial decisions in the world? And aren't most wars started for reasons of money gain, or in Hitler's case zenophobia and aniti-Semitism? But of course this is what many say Trump represents. Whatever the final wash, a country gets the government it deserves, and here we have a Trump dictatorship in a so-called capitalist regime, he being the most unpopular, it seems ever, candidate. Certainly the least equipped intellectually.
But hey, that's life in the trenches, you roll with the blows and pick yourself up and start all over again. Which is exactly what Trump says he wants to do in his beloved USA.  
I think even Trump was shocked.....
Pundits predicting doom and gloom for Aussie, but really, we will stay afloat.
My new arrival to keep my lemon tree company in my tiny green space at the back of my cabin, very peaceful and prayerful.

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