Wednesday 23 November 2016

Out with the old...

Today I see myself as others do, an older guy, but I still don't feel it, except sometimes! Like when I nearly passed out out on the dance floor last night, and realising I needed more rest, I decided to forego the St Andrews Dance in Newcastle this weekend. Besides, Malcolm has invited me to the concert of the  Magnificat which will be be beautiful, to be held at the Catholic church at Woy Woy. The CC Chorale sings on Sunday as well, at Narara with Andrew's choir, so it will be a very  musical weekend indeed.
The Arias happened with 'Flume' in foreground winning many of them. Jimmy Barnes, in rear with wife, shows the older generation which is a stark remove from young Flume who does have a real name brw but it is long and double barrelled so he has wisely chosen a stage-name which is naturally ultra 'cool'.
Even Robbie Williams doesn't quite cut it with the young, although he is more up there than Jimmy!
This week the crimes Commissioner was just sacked by the Premier for being honest and for not agreeing with him on certain matters. The State politics here, as always, are corrupt to the hilt.
The lovely home Trish has bought with her daughter, and her son Matthew has decorated it impeccably. We had a lovely long chat and Trish is again off to Japan in five days for Christmas.
Another example of corruption at work, Eddie Obeid, a notorious crook, sweet talking a QC who is in  cahoots  with the underworld and has seen herself to be a bit crooked.

As this weekend is my last one without my 'stuff', it will be busy as I intend to buy a bicycle today. More exercise, less petrol, and it will be good for my soul to frequent the ocean more often. Hopefully every second day at least.
Yesterday was very hot indeed but today is cooler and quite beautful. It will be February where I may suffer in the extreme humidity but frankly the weather in Oz is only bad in full summer and that comes in the early new year.

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