Tuesday 28 March 2017

Queensland Cyclone

Today marks the end of the fine weather with the Cyclone Debbie's effect appearing on the horizon tomorrow. More rain and bad weather for my Sydney trip but things are moving along.
Poor North Queensland will be repairing damage for a along time after the enormous damage comes to light. We are lucky on the Central Coast with the odd heatwave to deal with.
Front page news of Cyclone Debbie
More pictures of the damage...
The Liberals are making some big mistakes and Julie Bishop is being shown up for her ineptitude.
More ferries can only be good for Sydney's embattled public transport system.
Typical of Trump's behaviour, anything to be a showman!
Facebook is being shown to be more a problem than ever and I will certainly consider this strategy of 'unfollowing' some post to reduce my information.

Today I am courting the phone-help of Justin Stoner in California, the Apple expert, to enable me to get through the minefield of problems with my new iPhone 6 proving to have some installation problems. But let's hope he can talk me through the details. Up to now he has shown he is invaluable and knows all about Apple products, more than anyone over here so far.

Monday 27 March 2017

Trump's defeat

The defeat of Trump in his bid to overturn ObamaCare signifies perhaps the beginning of his early demise as President. He just can't cope with the heat when things don't go his way. But he will conveniently forget this loss I suppose, and move on to the next one. But if he fails this one, what will  happen them? Impeachment is always an option, we can only hope.
This is Trump's terror...
Why the change from this all-imporant clause to stop racial vilification?
Always an interesting gay-related article from Joel..
Ruby's is ultra quiet this morning...
This arvo I am going to a charcoal drawing class at the local library, I hope it is good and I start to draw again.

Friday 24 March 2017

Scottish Jig at Morissett

Today is another Scottish Dance gig, this time at Morissett. A lovely venue and easy to get to by train so that's how I did it, and it was much better timed as I was home in the late afternoon, all done and dusted. A good dance exercise and a meeting with heart-attack recoveree Ian, who looked fabulous. Also a talk with another elderly veteran who had hearing-aids worth $7000 in his ears. Is it worth that much I say? I have my audiology test next week and will doubtless be prescribed some Aids which I may or may not even use. A vist tomorrow to see Dr Esmaili will result in wax clearing and that may be  enough for mei!
This Labour leader in South Australia looks like a better selection for alternate PM than Bill Shorten, that is, if he dares leave his home state.
Brilliant young students create a great scientific future...
Putin's regime again showing its total disregard for justice in its despotic rule.
Fascinating refugee in Manus finding an older lover...
...who really does love him and will save him from self-destructing in this awful detention centre.
Aussie Cricket gets divine intervention from the Dalai Llama 
Makes big picture news in India...

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Sydney rehearsal

Back home after a great five days in sunny and ultra-cool Wellington. I was happy to miss the weather in NSW, especially the storms on the Central Coast but they greeted me on my return with even arail stoppage   on my way home on Tuesday night. However that is our new weather pattern which seems to be Queensland's wet-season we are having now.
The paper reports the mad torrential rain...
Aborigines not coming to an agreement with their future recognition..not yet anyway.
Sydney is in deed in gridlock but there are many plans afoot to improve Central Station, far too
later in its decision for this all-important transport interchange.

Tonight is my return to Ascham for my second rehearsal there, and a big catch-up for me as I missed two rehearsals on my trip to Wellingotn. Hope all is OK but feel it will be.

Sunday 19 March 2017


On my last day a good final morning at Memphis...
Gloria at Memphis, Dylan observing...
Page two of The Dom Post covering big Pride Parade
Royals always get a gig....
Anne even popped in to say Hi!

Saturday 18 March 2017

Perfect Sunny Sunday

After a very pleasant coffee and chat with young Julian at Memphis I got together with Tom for a small afternoon tour of his friend's Des amd John's beautiful garden at Ngaio.

Friday 17 March 2017

Rainbow Parade

It was as always a success, the Wellington Gay Pride Parade and I went with Tom to witness it. Tiny compared with Sydney Mardi Gras, but certainly equal in passion and commitment. So many friends from my past three years in Wellie were there and I caught up with them with great nostalgia.
The great Te Papa, with a very busy cafĂ© for a rest after a big morning 
Stilll pulling the corwds in....

A great dessert...
And later a hamburger at a favourite haunt on Cuba, The Laundry.