Tuesday 14 March 2017

Sydney rehearsal at Potts Point

Back on the coast after a busy rehearsal at the Bass hide-out at Potts Point. Certainly it was a good sing and there is lots to learn with four opera excepts and the whole of Rossini's Stabat Mater.

Overnighted at brother's and I discover I am his executor if anything happens to him. He forgot to ask if I would  accept and I am not really in favour of being a sibling's executor. We'll have to talk about it later when I'm back from New Zealand. Tomorrow I fly to Wellie.
Back to my cabana with sleepy dog Cassie welcoming me as always. She never needs to be fed either!
Getting ready for the a dance of Scottish jigs and strathspeys tonight, then a morning preparing for my trip. I am forgetting the gardening tomorrow.

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