Wednesday 15 March 2017

Leave for Wellie

Having a last coffee at Ruby's before I leave for Sydney airport this afternoon. Wellingon beckons and its weather looks fine, just a little cloudy with temperatures up to 16 degrees which is fine by me. I'll just take my puff jacket and all is good.. Have already made contact with a few friends over there so my four days will be full to the brim. A photo of Brenda, Tammy and Louise is taken to show them all at Memphis that I am well and truly relocated. I am looking forward  to my visit although it means a lot of catching up for my choir.
Front page news take me back to 1961 when I worked in the Snowy River scheme with all the middle Europeans. It was my first true international experience, I was the only caucasian Aussie in the team, and it set the tone for my later world travels. I helped build the Jindabyne Dam btw!
The NDIS plan seems to be more thoroughly thought through, and I hope my stay with Anthony in October is not too complicated as he will be in this plan.
The best way for Aboriginal people to move out of their unfortunate hole is do like this brave woman, get amongst the whities and teach them not to be racist. The nursing profession is all-important in this aim as so many Aborigines avoid the health system because of its endemic discrimination.
A snapshot of our school system these days, it is a far-cry from the fifties!
This is the present, and the future, with non-binary gender being the norm.
Tim Winton trying to save the Great Harrier Reef, he is not alone but needs all help he can get!
Exactly what I have always thought and I avoid these loyalty programs like the plague. The only program I belong to is with my Coffee Shop which works very well and gives me more return than Coles or Woolies whom I distrust totally. They just want your personal details to use in their data research. It is just another version of identity theft.

Happiness is hot soup at Ruby's 

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